The People We Meet

Do Not Underestimate the Human Power

“The one thing that we all have in common is that we are all human. We pay more attention to things that make us different over the things that bring us together.”

It is incredible to think about the number of people that we have encountered within our lifetime; Individuals from different countries, contrasting cultures, genders, nationalities and sexual preferences. Each encounter delivers an unpredictable experience that we are left to decide what to do with. “The people we meet” give us a small opportunity or window to see life through someone else’s eyes; to learn from them, to listen, to take a page out of their book and make it our own. It is our opportunity to celebrate their stories and to create memories to share so that others can eventually experience and cherish them as well.

I have had the pleasure to meet so many tremendous people in my life. Some have inspired me, some have led me, some have hurt me, but most have only stopped by and entered my life for short periods of time. As mentioned above all of these people have one thing in common; we are human. This is an important detail to remember and understand as I continue to tell my story.

Throughout my life I have had many chances to get to know someone specifically; someone who is dear to my heart and very close to me. A person that is very difficult to escape because of their addictive character and enthusiastic personality. An individual that can completely make you forget about the world’s problems and have you focusing on the simple things. Their positive outlook and vibrant energy creates an incredible environment that makes you feel that anything is possible and that you are greater than anything on this Earth. It is very interesting because that same person on occasion can be my worst nightmare and critic. An individual that is more than honest without question, giving opinions that were never asked for nor wanted; A person that stares at me while I am at my lowest and calls me a failure while doubting my every move. This is a person that I continue to meet time and time again. Each moment that we come together I seem to get to know another version of him and I am sometimes fearful of the individual that is going to show up.

Although I love you Michael Joseph Sandoval, There are times that I find it difficult to live with you.

The person that I am describing to you is me, the man that knows what buttons to push and when to push them. An individual that drives the fire and challenges every bone in my body until it hurts.  

There were moments in time where I had no idea of the importance of this fire that lies within a person. The kinetic energy of the human body that sits in its dormant state waiting to be lit; this blazing, radiant ball of proverbial heat is the foundational structure to rise above, exceed expectations and accomplish things that we never thought would be possible. This super hero characteristic is always important during certain moments; the moments that matter most! We have seen these occurrences within our sports heroes of the world. one second left, down by two points, the pass is into Michael Jordan for a 3 point shot to win the game!! The addiction of wanting to live in the moment and in that fear is something that we have all wanted to life at some point; the feeling as if there was nothing else in the world that mattered, just us and that moment! There is something powerful about feeling as if it all rested in your hands that lifts us to achieve greatness!

As a young kid I realized that my hero’s made me feel a certain way when they faced adversity. I knew that the feeling was something that I just couldn’t get passed! I have realized that I have wanted to be a hero ever since I can remember. I guess I just didn’t really know what that meant!

Did that mean that I needed a super power?

Does that mean that it would be impossible to accomplish?

I’ve held onto it my entire life!

When I discovered the love for my craft it was the first time that I discovered my super hero power! My fire! I've learned how to light it, how to manage it and use it in positive ways.

It felt as if I were an X-Men, honing the internal connection with the world in efforts to be a part of its evolution against anything or anyone that could do it harm. I know it sounds exaggerated but I truly believe that thinking this way is what it takes to continue to ensure that our internal “fire” stays illuminated with the flame that gives us life and purpose.

When I was young I would sometimes be frightened by the idea of being in the “dark”; the scary sounds, terrifying shadows and of course the “monsters” under the bed.

How funny is it that many years later as an adult I dread the thought of being in the proverbial dark, not understanding the direction that I’m heading in or where I stand in life!

It is scary not knowing what is in front of you or what is to come. It is the fear that resides within our minds that prevent us from accomplishing those Heroic moments that could have potentially made an impact on someone’s life if not our own.

I reflected back to my childhood, in that room hiding under the sheets in the dark hoping that someone would walk by to save me from the fear of the unknown by switching on the glorious invention that we call the light bulb. During that moment, I would ask myself if I had the courage to cry out for help knowing that if I did, I would potentially wake the lurking creatures that wanted to take advantage of my vulnerability.

Unexpectedly, I find myself in those dark moments every now and then waiting for a “Hero” to shine light decades later.

Knowing as a child that a simple light switch could change everything in the “darkness” gives me hope. I remind myself that we are all human in need of another human “Hero” That understands the imperfections and challenges of our everyday life; the courageous individuals that don’t have to be asked nor have to be told to help. Unknowingly, they listen, they guide, and they protect to prevent those hidden monsters that reside in us all from overwhelming our true potential!

Our human abilities are what make us heroes. Our imperfections can unite us and allow us to make a difference in each other. Ignite the “light” of another Human and you will be amazed how bright your life will become and how much impact you can have on…..

“The People We Meet”